Time Poor? Get nutritional formulas delivered to you.
Get these nutritionally balanced formulas blended for you in a Vitamix based on you/your little ones dietary and medical requirements delivered to your front door* ready to feed you/your little ones.
These are ready to go meals - you don't need to add water. Meals are diluted with coconut water and coconut cream** rather than water for additional nutrition. Additional liquid is added for ease of blending, so 1L pouches will actually yield 1.2L.
Nut or gluten allergies? No need to worry, I've got you covered: I'll blend whole-foods using nut and gluten free equipment.
Organic and seasonal food free from refined sugars, preservatives, artificial flavourings and colourings - only the good stuff to nourish you/your growing champions! Food is washed/soaked in filtered water.
You'll recieve 2 different custom formula meals
4L x Breakfast/Snack meals
4L x Lunch/Dinner meals
Email me at info@bec2nature.com.au your childs:
- Age
- Height
- Weight
- Physical activity level (none, low, moderate, regular)
- Allergies / Intolerances / Sensitivities - if you'e unsure, here is a Food Compatibility Hair Test to identify foods irritating your childs gut lining
- Diagnosed Medical Conditions
- Prescribed pharmaceutical and nutritional medication with dosage and frequency
- Ngt sizes
From this information, meals are formulated based on additional nutritional needs and calculated BMR.
Express shipping must be chosen at checkout.
*As interstate deliveries are transported via refrigerated trucks, orders outside the Northern Rivers/Gold Coast region will require picking up from closest depot.
**Substitutes are available for allergies or intolerances with coconut products.
The process:
Book in a 45 minute consultation with me here for a tailored treatment plan and blended meals and/or recipes.
Consultations, custom recipe development and blended meals may be eligible for NDIS rebates depending on plan management.
Orders outside Victoria are shipped via refrigerated trucks and will require pick up from closest depot. Contact us on info@bec2nature.com.au before purchasing to ensure delivery locations are available.
Express shipping must be chosen at checkout.